
Your most important duty to yourself is to discover and live your special mission, to find and fulfill your unique purpose in life. The book, Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature, is designed to help you attain that goal.
Analogous to your dressing mirror, Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature brings you face-to-face with your innermost being — with the real and authentic you!
Stirring and revealing insights into the nature of human nature speak to you personally, deeply, directly — powerfully and conclusively demonstrate:
What it really means to be human.
What your own life is truly about.
What gives your life meaning and enduring significance.
Here, in a reader-friendly handbook, is a foundational resource to help you in the essential journey of self-discovery and, ultimately, career choice. Here also is an indispensable guide to your self-understanding: vital insights to help you come to grips with your true identity; reconnect with the real and authentic you; see more clearly the special mission and purpose of your life; identify the path you ought to follow; become the person you are naturally equipped to be.
Existentially, here is a life-long awakening to the vast storehouse of potentialities that you embody — those very special qualities and vitally important capabilities in you that can serve all of humanity and bring about significant improvement in the current state of our world. Here, specifically, is your lifelong personal companion, intended to prompt you to your own special role in the never-ending process of planetary regeneration.
Finally, here is the answer to the universal and foundational human quest: Selfhood — your own identity, your own uniqueness. Here, in the simplest and clearest of terms, is the ultimate resource to help you see more clearly, and connect with, the authentic purpose of your own life and, using that personal insight, be able to understand and connect more successfully with loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, and the natural world.
At the species and planetary level, here is the authentic understanding of human nature — Homo Creativus — which is vital to the success of practically everything: parenting; education; leadership; governance; business; relationships; ecology; global peace and security.
Easy to read and universally accessible, Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature clarifies the nature of creativity:
Analysis and synthesis of the insights that are brought together in Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature uncover five things everyone is well served to know about creativity, if they want their lives to be truly meaningful and genuinely successful.
In summary, this is the understanding of creativity as:
These core attributes of creativity are briefly elaborated and illustrated with pertinent insights gleaned from Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature:
Illustrative Insights:
Illustrative Insights:
Illustrative Insights:
Illustrative Insights:
Illustrative Insights:
Illustrative Insights:
Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature is two things in one:
Here are five vital actions and, patently, the logical and necessary starting point for planetary recovery and regeneration:
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For genuine and lasting personal success, as well as for your own personal fulfillment:
... So that something significant, enduring, locally or universally beneficial may happen because you've been here; so that world will be at least a little bit better because you lived!
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The Truth about Human Nature
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